MANUEL VICENTE QUILA S PEBBLE Born in Alicante on January 1, 1952 Bachelor of Fine Arts from the Faculty of San Carlos de Valencia in the specialty of obtaining the license plate engraving of Honor of his promotion. He teaches drawing and painting in his studio Arts Workshop located at Calle Juan Ortega No 1 of Alicante. He has made several exhibitions in the province, Alicante, Valencia, Madrid, Paris, Cuba, Tokyo, Lima, New York, Cairo, etc. Gold Medal Expo XXIII. OS Educaciny Rest. Acquired work by the Institute of Alicantinos in Plastic Arts Certmenes VI, VII and IX. 1 Villajoyosa City Award VII National Contest. Works acquired by the City of Alicante in the V, VII, IX and X Exhibition of Plastic Arts. Plastic Arts Exhibition May 1 2 prizes in the third and Mention of Honour at the IV. 1 Prize at the VII National Contest Pintor Sorolla Elda. Mention of Honor at the XI National Competition City of Denia. Acquired by the City Council work in II and IV Novelda National Competition Rafael Alberola. 1 Prize XIV European Painting Contest Minicuadros Elda. Works acquired by the Provincial Council of Alicante in 1997. 1 Philip Morris Award in Photography. Acquired work in 1998 call by the Provincial Council of Alicante. Works acquired by the City of Aspen V Calpena Pastor Award. Works acquired by the city of Alcoy in the Second Biennial dArt Alcoi. In 1999 1 First Prize in the House Painting Competition Melilla. OTHER PRESENTATIONS AND PAPERS: 1975 International Prize LONJA Palma de Mallorca. VI National Contest 1978 City of Almera. 1985 Home Llibreter XV and XVI Alicante Book Fair. CAAM Painting Hall of Murcia. III National Call Ateneo de Albacete. VII and VIII National Competition CafMarfil Elche. XI Spring Salon Savings Bank of Valencia. 1987 Third Prize Tapiei LRIDA Caramel. VII Award 1990 Ramos maximum Engraving Ferrol. International Industrial Design Competition CEVISAMA Valencia. 1992 I International Biennial of Gravat Xtiva Joseph de Ribera. International Competition for E-Stamp Design in Tokyo. 1994 Collection for CafTapas Made in Spain in Elche and Alicante. 1998 Book of Etchings La ciutat de Larena Daurada Vicent Pons poet. Engraving course taught at the Institute of Culture Alicantino Juan Gil-Albert. IX Biennial of Painting Elisa Tomas Yusti. National Competition Morn Madrid. Book of engravings of the poet Gaspar Lantic jardndItaca Urbn Jani. 1999 Fair Art Contemporain Paris 99. 99 Estampa Madrid. Recorded Books 2000 Poet Altea Toni Mestre. Estampa 2000 Madrid. Book of Love recorded words of the poet Ramon J. Marquez (Ramoncn). During the 1999-2003 PERIOD performs the work of deputy director of workshops and seminars at the Institute of Culture Juan Gil-Albert, Department of Art and Visual communication Eusebio Sempere of the Provincial Council of Alicante. 2002 participates with 4 works in the exhibition of funds from the National Library Madrid. Painting course taught Aspen City Council. 18 Mediterranean Painters exhibition tours the three cities of Cuba and Alicante, organized by the Provincial Council of Alicante. 2003 course taught From Impressionism to the transgression in City of Torrevieja. Nude painting exhibition Municipal Station of Railway Board while presenting his book Naked at the Palace of the music of Torrevieja with the poets participating in the book. 2003 exhibition of the book presentaciny Nudes Association of Surveyors and FNAC of Alicante. 2003 and 2004 he created large murals for various companies and individuals in the province. 2005 Conv. Alicante Provincial Council. Painters with the Mediterranean group 15 out in Lima and New York. Watercolor exhibition of the Museum of Fine Arts MUBAG Alicante. Taught engraving course Torrevieja Municipal Auditorium. 2006 Personal Exhibition Ten years and one day ... Palace of the Provincial Council of Alicante. 2006 30 Artists from Alicante in MUBAG and Cairo. Acquired work in the call's 2007 Plastic Arts Alicante Provincial Council. Updated January Currculum 2008